Parenting like our parents, or not…..

As adults, most of the time, we either aim to parent just like our parents or be the exact opposite of them. My goal when having kids has always been to try to lift them up and have them always know I loved them more than anything.

Growing up we were taught not to show emotion or that you cared. Feelings were something you did not talk about. You were to always keep everything inside. My mother was never a warm and happy person. She was always mad and yelling about something. Love was not something you were shown. It was just assumed. There was never a time where my mother actually hugged me and acted like she cared for what I was doing. After a gymnastics meet, cheer competition, swim meet, etc I’d see other kids parents giving them hugs after and telling them how good they did. I never got told I did a good job or got a happy hug. I immediately got told what I did wrong or how someone else did something better than me. My mother pushed by intimidation. Her way to make me “do better” was to tell me how much better someone else was than me. She would often compare me to her friends children. Even as an adult she enjoys telling me how much better her friends children are doing than me. I work really hard to remind myself that each of my children are different. And they are different than other peoples children. So you really can’t compare one child to another. All you can do is encourage, support and help them grow in the best way for them individually.

I found an old diary from when I was little. I loved writing and I used to write everything down. In it I questioned why everyone else’s moms hugged them and were excited to see them every day but mine was always mad at me. In it I asked why my mom didn’t love me and I didn’t understand what I did wrong. I even wrote “I’ll do better. I’ll be perfect and maybe she will love me.” I was in fourth grade when I wrote this. To this day as a 37 year old, I still have never heard my mother tell me she loves me. That’s a feeling I never want my children to ever have. I never want my love for them to be questioned. I want them to wake up every morning knowing I love them more than anything in the world and go to bed knowing that same thing.

It’s taken me quite a few years, but I’ve learned it’s ok to let your kids have and talk about their feelings. It doesn’t make them weak. It actually makes them stronger and more self aware. Constant threatening or belittling causes more damage than good. It instills a constant fear in the child which can cause anxiety to roll over in other life situations. I’ve also learned the strength in words. Telling your kids you love them and are proud of their victories and even their failures, will have such a positive impact on how they view themselves and their ability to try again at something in the future.

Texas State Fair Visit

The Texas State Fair is one of my favorite events in the world. It’s absolutely ridiculous I know, but the atmosphere, energy and excitement of it all is what makes it great. (Plus Fletchers Corny Dogs 😉)

We took our 4 year old and our 5 month old. We had to leave the 2 year old home with grandma because he wouldn’t have lasted more than 15 minutes. He would have just wanted to run. Those crowds would have been terrible with him.

I wasn’t sure how our 4 year old would do but I was pleasantly surprised. He was a little ornery at first but it was because he was hungry. Once we got food in him we were good to go! We spent almost 4 1/2 hours walking around playing games, riding rides, eating, etc. I’ve honestly never gone to the fair and played a game or ridden a ride! I’ve always just watched shows and eaten food. So this was a new experience for me too and I loved it. Yes “carny” games are a bit of a waste of money but I can’t say it wasn’t a bit fun!

When it came to the games, it was a little difficult for my 4 year old to understand that you don’t win something every time. Some games despite not “winning” you still got a small prize. While others you got nothing. So it was hard for him to understand why sometimes he got a prize and others he didnt. That’s honestly hard to explain to a 4 year old. But honestly he took it better than I expected!

Overall it was a great day. The fair never disappoints. We definitely had a few things we didn’t get to do that we wanted to but we ran short on time. But this was our first year to take a child who could walk. Thanks to covid, we missed last year and the year before, Ryder sat in a stroller the whole time. So it was a learning experience for us all. Next year we will probably make a full day of it and plan better than we did. That way we can visit the attractions we want to and still allow for rest times and more food tastings!

Collaboration with Born Tough and Elite Sports

As a former college athlete I always want to make sure I train safe. I am excited to announce my collaboration with Born Tough and Elite Sports.

Born Tough is a sportswear company that fits the need for modern sportswear. Their sportswear is true to size and looks great in the gym or while out running errands! With dedicated phone pockets, to carefully placed headphone loops, they assure I can listen to my favorite music or talk on the phone without hindrance.

Elite Sports offers high quality and stylish martial arts gear! Their gear allows you to train without worrying about tears. Their gear is warrantied which is something most companies on the industry won’t do!

I am excited to share product reviews with my blog followers! Check out their websites and keep an eye out for my next post on them!

Pregnancy leg day

I’m a little over 6 months pregnant now. My belly is getting bigger which means movements while working out are getting more difficult. However this isn’t stopping me from working out! Workouts are the one thing keeping up my strength and energy for the boys!

Today was a leg workout. 4 sets of 12! 💪🏻

Pregnancy workout

Im now a little over 5 months pregnant and I’m not supposed to do full on ab exercises. However, my doctor did encourage workouts that include some core! She said this will help with belly strain due to weight of baby as well as strength for labor! So I’m doing legs mixed with core. I haven’t used sliding discs in so long. They’re definitely harder to use when pregnant! I don’t have the stability I had pre baby.

For this workout I did 4 sets of 15 on each leg (30 total) for the toe point balance slides. 4 sets of 20 on each leg (40 total) for the mountain climbers. Then 4 sets of 15 on each leg (30 total) for the plank leg slides.

Pregnancy Amnesia

Well I’m officially at 17 weeks. But I feel like I’m 7 months. I must have pregnancy amnesia because I don’t remember feeling this big and bloated with my other two kids. When I think about it, I honestly have forgotten almost everything (discomfort wise) when I was pregnant with my first two. I sort of remember feeling achy and having to pee a lot. But that’s all I remember. I have literally forgotten everything. Maybe that’s why I was ok having a third. I had forgotten all the pain and discomfort that came with the first two.

I do understand what they say about pregnancy being more difficult as you get older. One thing I do remember is having more energy with the other two than I do now. I definitely feel like I’m moving a lot slower this time around. Granted I am chasing after two little ones while pregnant so that definitely adds to the exhaustion. I’m also getting up earlier and staying up later than I would like. So I’m getting less sleep as well.

The exhaustion is definitely taking a toll on my body and making it harder to do things like workout. I remember wanting and liking to go workout with my first two. I had no issues working out other than just comfortably moving around thanks to my big belly. The motivation was there. This time around I have zero want to workout. Just thinking about workout makes me tired and I swear I can already feel my muscles start to ache even before I start.

I still have 5 months to go. A long 5 months! Somehow I need to find more energy and the ability to sleep. Definitely sounds a lot easier than it really is.

What side to sleep on when pregnant

An interesting thing I learned in my first pregnancy is that it’s recommended that you sleep on your left side while pregnant. Why? Because your liver is on the right side of your body. Laying on your left side helps keep your uterus off that large organ, which takes the pressure off your liver and also your kidneys. This means more room to function properly, helping with swelling issues in your hands, ankles, and feet.

Sleeping on your left side also improves circulation to the heart and allows for better blood flow to the fetus, uterus, and kidneys. This is because your inferior vena cava (IVC), which is a large vein, runs parallel to your spin on the right side of your body.

If left is ideal, should you avoid sleeping on your right? No. It’s safe to sleep on your right. And depending on where your placenta attaches, it may actually be more comfortable. There’s a very slight risk of compression issues with the IVC when you sleep on the right, but it’s very slight. It just comes down to what’s more comfortable for you.

Working out when pregnant

Recently I was reading an article about current health and fitness statistics on pregnant women and I was a bit blown away. Less than 25% of pregnant women exercise regularly!

There have been so many proven health benefits to working out while pregnant. I think women take “rest while pregnant” too literally. Yes you should rest often while pregnant. But that doesn’t mean laying around all the time doing nothing. I notice a huge difference in my joints and muscles when I exercise vs when I don’t.

If your doctor hasn’t told you, then any google search will tell you there are so many health benefits to working out while pregnant. It helps reduce back ache, constipation, bloating and swelling. These are major things almost every pregnant woman battles with. I had minimal swelling while pregnant with both my kids and I credit that to workouts and drinking lots of water! Additionally working out can lower your blood pressure and help prevent gestational diabetes!

My doctor actually encouraged me to continue lifting weights through my pregnancy to keep my strength up. The only thing she discouraged me from is lifting an extreme amount that I’m not used to, or working out on my back. You shouldn’t workout on your back when pregnant because the uterus puts pressure on a vein that brings blood to your heart. Lying on your back can cause your blood pressure to drop and limit the flow of blood to your baby.

I understand some people don’t have access to a gym whether it be to cost or location. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do things at home. Walking, running, push-ups, body weight exercises, or dumbbell exercises (every sporting goods store sells them and you can get away with one or two sets).

I know there’s that one person who always says “I just don’t have the time.” Working out doesn’t have to be hours long. 20-30 minutes a day is all you need! Obviously it helps to eat a healthy diet as well. When you’re pregnant just the idea of working out may be exhausting. Of anything, a walk is better than nothing!

Food Aversions

This third baby is taking a toll on my diet. I swear I can’t eat anything without getting nauseous. With my second baby I was sick for maybe a month and it went away. But this time around it’s stretching a lot longer.

Strangely enough, the only things that don’t make me sick are: Ice cream, a tortilla with peanut butter, avocado toast, milk, pizza, cheese and vanilla cheerios. You’d think milk products wouldn’t be easy on the stomach and would make me sick. But weirdly enough they don’t bother it!

One strange food aversion I’m having that I had with our second baby is with chicken. I can’t eat chicken cooked at someone’s house. It literally makes me start gagging. I can’t even cook it myself without feeling sick. But I can eat chicken from a restaurant! There’s something about the smell of it cooking in the house that makes me sick. Since I can’t smell the chicken being cooked in the restaurant, it doesn’t bother me.

The first three months I was really battling with food. But now I’ve found a few items I can eat regularly with no major issue. So every day, I eat pretty much the exact same thing. I actually don’t mind it much because I’m a creature of habit and love schedules. I’ve always had my meals planned out days in advance so I’m not doing too much different than my usual other than being limited on foods.

This is definitely proof that every pregnancy is different! I’m learning as I go with each one!

Back in the red

We are back in the Red in DFW. I don’t care what anyone says. I’m wearing a mask even when I workout. What inconvenience is it really to me? None. I put on clothes in the morning so a mask isn’t any different to me anymore.

I actually haven’t worn makeup since the masks requirement went into effect. With the exception of mascara of course but no actual face makeup. It’s been great! My skin has never looked so even toned and breakout free! I wash my face often or use face wipes. I also wash my mask regularly so that helps quite a bit to reduce any skin issues.

I really don’t mind wearing a mask even after the mask order is lifted. Honestly I’ve never gone this long without catching even just a cold! I credit that to the masks, over disinfecting and hand washing. I know masks are annoying to some but I’m one who doesn’t mind it. I’ll do whatever is going to keep my family and myself healthy! Better safe than sorry!