Parenting like our parents, or not…..

As adults, most of the time, we either aim to parent just like our parents or be the exact opposite of them. My goal when having kids has always been to try to lift them up and have them always know I loved them more than anything.

Growing up we were taught not to show emotion or that you cared. Feelings were something you did not talk about. You were to always keep everything inside. My mother was never a warm and happy person. She was always mad and yelling about something. Love was not something you were shown. It was just assumed. There was never a time where my mother actually hugged me and acted like she cared for what I was doing. After a gymnastics meet, cheer competition, swim meet, etc I’d see other kids parents giving them hugs after and telling them how good they did. I never got told I did a good job or got a happy hug. I immediately got told what I did wrong or how someone else did something better than me. My mother pushed by intimidation. Her way to make me “do better” was to tell me how much better someone else was than me. She would often compare me to her friends children. Even as an adult she enjoys telling me how much better her friends children are doing than me. I work really hard to remind myself that each of my children are different. And they are different than other peoples children. So you really can’t compare one child to another. All you can do is encourage, support and help them grow in the best way for them individually.

I found an old diary from when I was little. I loved writing and I used to write everything down. In it I questioned why everyone else’s moms hugged them and were excited to see them every day but mine was always mad at me. In it I asked why my mom didn’t love me and I didn’t understand what I did wrong. I even wrote “I’ll do better. I’ll be perfect and maybe she will love me.” I was in fourth grade when I wrote this. To this day as a 37 year old, I still have never heard my mother tell me she loves me. That’s a feeling I never want my children to ever have. I never want my love for them to be questioned. I want them to wake up every morning knowing I love them more than anything in the world and go to bed knowing that same thing.

It’s taken me quite a few years, but I’ve learned it’s ok to let your kids have and talk about their feelings. It doesn’t make them weak. It actually makes them stronger and more self aware. Constant threatening or belittling causes more damage than good. It instills a constant fear in the child which can cause anxiety to roll over in other life situations. I’ve also learned the strength in words. Telling your kids you love them and are proud of their victories and even their failures, will have such a positive impact on how they view themselves and their ability to try again at something in the future.

Starting a new chapter….or going back to reread an old one, however you want to look at it

I’ve been MIA from my blog for a while. Life sort of took the reigns on its own and went 100 miles a minute! With young kids I’m just doing my best to make sure everyone is on time and fully clothed these days!

A lot has changed in the last year. One of which is me making the decision to renew my teaching license. Will I go back? Maybe, maybe not. But I want the option to still be there.

I loved teaching. Being in the classroom was so much fun. Granted, I did have some tough days but I would say 90% of the time it was good. The memories I have in the classroom are days of laughter. I remember being at the front of the classroom almost falling over, and in tears because I was laughing SO hard from something a student said. I wish I could remember everything that was said in class that day. Because I remember the entire class, and myself laughing so hard for so long! I can still see their faces as we all barreled over laughing. It was such a great day. As my students were leaving class after the bell, so many of them told me how great that class was. They were right. I love that our class had the ability to laugh and enjoy themselves. I definitely think giving kids a little freedom to relax and be a kid in the classroom makes them stronger in class.

So here I go! I have 150+ hours of courses I have to take for my renewal. My goal is 2-3 hours of classes a day. That means I can finish it all in 50-75 days. Keep your fingers crossed for me! 3 young kids, teaching license renewal classes and my judging license renewal classes (20 hours of that) is a lot on my plate right now. But I can do it! I’m excited to start!

*the picture is my first year teaching and coaching 💙

Texas State Fair Visit

The Texas State Fair is one of my favorite events in the world. It’s absolutely ridiculous I know, but the atmosphere, energy and excitement of it all is what makes it great. (Plus Fletchers Corny Dogs 😉)

We took our 4 year old and our 5 month old. We had to leave the 2 year old home with grandma because he wouldn’t have lasted more than 15 minutes. He would have just wanted to run. Those crowds would have been terrible with him.

I wasn’t sure how our 4 year old would do but I was pleasantly surprised. He was a little ornery at first but it was because he was hungry. Once we got food in him we were good to go! We spent almost 4 1/2 hours walking around playing games, riding rides, eating, etc. I’ve honestly never gone to the fair and played a game or ridden a ride! I’ve always just watched shows and eaten food. So this was a new experience for me too and I loved it. Yes “carny” games are a bit of a waste of money but I can’t say it wasn’t a bit fun!

When it came to the games, it was a little difficult for my 4 year old to understand that you don’t win something every time. Some games despite not “winning” you still got a small prize. While others you got nothing. So it was hard for him to understand why sometimes he got a prize and others he didnt. That’s honestly hard to explain to a 4 year old. But honestly he took it better than I expected!

Overall it was a great day. The fair never disappoints. We definitely had a few things we didn’t get to do that we wanted to but we ran short on time. But this was our first year to take a child who could walk. Thanks to covid, we missed last year and the year before, Ryder sat in a stroller the whole time. So it was a learning experience for us all. Next year we will probably make a full day of it and plan better than we did. That way we can visit the attractions we want to and still allow for rest times and more food tastings!

Taking your pants off at the pool….

The other day at the pool, after playing in the sun for an hour, I look over at my 4 year old and his swim shorts were at his ankles. Literally bare butt out to everyone. I of course panicked, ran over to him and quickly pulled his pants up. I asked him why his pants were down. He said he was done wearing them. So we had to have the discussion, if you want dry clothes on, ask don’t just take off your clothes.

Honestly, I was super glad that his pants were down for a reason like he wanted to change and not that he took them down to pee in public. Because that was the first thing that came to mind. I really feared he dropped pants to pee in the pool. 😳

Part of me sort of always assumes kids are born with an inkling of knowing what’s appropriate and what’s not. Then something like this happens and I remember it has to be taught. Kids are literally little balls of clay that need to be molded.

Laundry Room Design

This is one of my favorite rooms in the house. Yes I know that sounds crazy. But it’s my quiet place away from the crazy. There’s something calming to me about being in here, folding laundry and listening to nothing but the sound of the washer or dryer. 🧺

I love my kids more than anything in the world but sometimes momma just needs a few minutes of quiet. Even if it means doing their laundry to get it! 🤫

When we designed the laundry room we wanted a clean design. I didn’t want all white because we were going to keep the dog bowls in here and she tends to make a mess. So a grey flooring with a little white to it gave us that light look we were looking for but doesn’t show dirt (and dog food mess) as easily.

Eventually my next project for this room will be tiling the backsplash. I think I want to do just a simple white subway tile. Since the floor has a textured look I don’t want to do a pattern tile on the backsplash and have the room look busy. I think white subway tile will give it that clean look I’m going for.

Two month shot struggle

Yesterday was a rough day for this little munchkin. He got his two month shots. The post shot soreness was hard on him. You couldn’t touch his little legs without him crying in pain. The only comfortable way for him to lay was across my lap.

Those little cries are the hardest to hear. It literally broke my heart that I couldn’t make the aching stop for him.

He isn’t aching as much today. The shot spots are a little sore but it’s not causing him to cry (thank heavens).

I think not being able to take away their aches and pains is one of the hardest parts of motherhood💙

4 Facts You Need to Know to Protect Your Family From Ticks and Mosquitoes

Warmer temperatures mean more families are getting outside. If your family lives in an area prone to ticks and mosquitoes, however, you could be more worried about getting bitten. Mosquitoes and tick bites can carry serious consequences, so you’re right to be concerned. Instead of letting those concerns keep your family from enjoying the great outdoors and getting some exercise, though, why not focus your energy on preventing those bites? To make sure your outdoor fun isn’t ruined by these pests, here are some vital facts you need to know, brought to you by Fit Dallas Mom Blog.

Poorly Maintained Yards Can Hide Pests

Is your yard looking a little overgrown? If so, to keep pests in check, and keep your yard looking its best as well, consider hiring a gardener to help with landscaping tasks. Ticks can hide in tall grass, and mosquitoes love to hang out in unkempt lawns as well. In addition to sprucing up your yard, your gardener can also be on the lookout for any standing water or improperly draining planters around your property, all of which can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Garlic Laced Foods Can Repel Mosquitoes

If you live in an area that’s prone to mosquitoes, you may already have some mosquito knowledge. Still, it never hurts to brush up on mosquito repellant tips. For instance, eating garlic on a regular basis may make you less appealing to these insects. As an added bonus, adding more garlic to your diet may also precent tick bites, which can reduce your family’s risk for Lyme disease, which can have lasting and painful impacts on health.

Tick Prevention for Pets Can Also Help Humans

Dogs and cats can bring joy to your life, but they can also bring ticks into your home. The best solution to keep pets from infesting your yard with ticks and other pests is to focus on prevention. Treat your yard with pet-safe pesticides, find a flea and tick preventative for any pets that venture outside, and be sure to check those pets for ticks frequently. If you find a tick on your pet, have a vet or vet tech remove it, to prevent additional issues. Also, stay vigilante for potential Lyme disease symptoms, such as pain or fever, in any pets that have been bitten.

Mosquito Prevention Can Be Fairly Simple As Well

If you don’t want to deal with the discomfort of mosquito bites, the best remedy is to take steps to prevent mosquitoes in the first place. By now, you already know the importance of dumping standing water and keeping your lawn trimmed. What you wear outside, however, can hurt or help mosquito populations as well. So if you notice mosquitoes around your home, be sure to cover your arms and legs before spending time outside in the evenings, and think about using a repellant on your skin. If you are bitten, you can use natural remedies, such as tea tree and apple cider vinegar, to help reduce itching and discomfort.

Mosquito Bites Can Be More Than Just Annoying

You may be aware of the dangers of lyme disease and tick bites, but you may not be aware that mosquito bites can be just as dangerous. In fact, world health reports indicate that mosquitoes may be the most dangerous animal on our planet, in terms of human health and safety. Mosquitoes are responsible for the spread of deadly diseases, such as malaria, which makes it crucial to know potential symptoms of mosquito-borne illnesses. Chills and unexplained pain after a bite should be addressed immediately, so if you or a loved one experiences them, you should seek medical attention immediately.

Bites from ticks and mosquitoes can not only ruin your family fun, they can also harm your health. So take the necessary steps to prevent mosquitoes and ticks from breeding in your yard. Also, make sure you know how to protect yourself from insect bites while you’re outside, and know how to reduce the potential for serious health impacts if a member of your family is bitten.

Photo Credit: Pexels

End of pregnancy struggles

I”m in month 8 of my pregnancy and the sleepless nights have kicked in. I have forgotten how hard the last few months can be. I’m so exhausted every day. The weight of the baby, chasing around 2 little ones and not sleeping at night is getting to me.

With my first baby I had only minor pregnancy insomnia, plus nightly leg pains. I had a few nights where I didn’t sleep well but it was never a full night. Maybe just a few hours where I couldn’t get to sleep. Second baby I had just nightly leg pains. With this third baby it’s major insomnia and leg pains at night.

This last week I had a run of about 48 hours without sleep. And yes I tried. It’s not like I’m up doing things. I’m literally laying in bed, tossing and turning, staring at the wall (I can only lay on my side). It makes the daytime brutal because I drag so much. I feel bad for the boys because I’m not at my best for them. I feel like I’m in a non functioning state. Basically a walking zombie. I’m sure I look just as terrible as I feel.

Last night my insomnia and leg pain was at its worst. I was up till 4am just trying to get the dull ache in my legs to go away long enough for me to try to sleep. It felt like I was checking the clock every 15 minutes. Time was moving so slowly. I literally paced the house to get my legs moving. I tried stretching and massage. I took Tylenol and drank a ton of water. Nothing worked. The water actually just made me need to pee more so I was getting up every 30 minutes to go. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Needless to say, I’m ready for Brody to be here. I know more sleepless nights will lie ahead when he is here, but at least the leg cramps, hip pain and heart burn will be gone!

Review of Born Tough jogger/leggings

Recently I was sent a pair of pants by Born Tough to try out. I received their BT contoured tracksuit jogger leggings. If you know me, you know I love a good pair of leggings/joggers!

I’m 5’3 wearing a size small (mind you I’m 7months pregnant right now)

Here is the link to the pants:

I was impressed with the material of the pants. It’s a thick, sturdy material that doesn’t seem like it will stretch out or pill after wear. I love that the pants are high waisted without having that old school “mom pant” look. An issue I have with some high waisted pants is that the pants never stay high. They slide down a little to become mid rise and I’m left with this saggy crotch look. These pants didn’t do that when I moved around! They actually have a drawstring you can tighten to keep them from slipping! I could literally wear them all day and have them look the same without stretching and sagging!

As a mom of 2 (almost 3) little ones I’m always moving. These pants moved well with me while I ran around with my little ones. I really liked that it had a side pocket, which a lot of legging styles don’t have. The pocket is the perfect size for my phone! I always set my phone down and forget where I put it. I went the entire day without losing my phone thanks to this pocket.

If you’re on the hunt for a good quality, good priced, cute pair of jogger/leggings, I highly recommend looking at Born Tough. The pants come in 4 different colors! I of course love the black because it goes with everything! They have both women and men’s styles so no one is left out!

Here is the link to the Mens styles:

Pregnancy leg day

I’m a little over 6 months pregnant now. My belly is getting bigger which means movements while working out are getting more difficult. However this isn’t stopping me from working out! Workouts are the one thing keeping up my strength and energy for the boys!

Today was a leg workout. 4 sets of 12! 💪🏻