Morning person

I’ve never been a morning person. I don’t like getting up early. Don’t get me wrong, I can! I have no problem waking up early, getting dressed, getting my kids ready and fed, etc. Getting up isn’t the problem. It’s that I don’t WANT to get up early. 😂

On the weekends, before kids, I slept in till 9am. During the week when I worked in marketing, I slept till 7am and was in the office around 8/8:30am. I changed jobs, became a teacher and I somehow got the “lucky” school that started classes at 7:30am. So I had to be to school around 6:15am. That meant a 5am wake up, because it wasn’t a close drive like my previous job. 😳

I think god was preparing me for children of my own when he brought me the early morning teaching job. Because I now have children who get up between 5-6am ready to play! I’m still not a morning person, and I would love to be able to sleep in every once in a while. But I wouldn’t trade it for a minute with my little ones. I love getting up and starting my morning playing with them. 💙

6 thoughts on “Morning person

  1. My kids totally wake up between 5 am and 6 am too! I wish they’d sleep in, because I personally AM a morning person. But I’d like to wake up early and enjoy some quiet time… But instead, I wake up, and my kids are already ready to go! HA!!! But they’re definitely worth it. 🙂


  2. Hang in there! Mine were early birds but those days are done now. It was the need to go from fast asleep to immediately functioning adult that always killed me…I do miss those mornings sometimes when they’d clamber all over me to reach toys they’d thrown about or we’d snuggle to watch Fireman Sam for the 100th time because they’d got up too early evem for them. Now I get to wake them everyday 🤣😊


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